
July 24, 2011

Jets Logo, NFL Labour and Alomar HoF Talk

Friday Roundtable in effect. Guest host Jeff Marek fills in on Bob's last day off, we learn that Damien Cox is hounded by twitter trolls, and Friedman and Grange say douchebag in a solid Bobcat-less roundtable.

Winnipeg Jets History & Logo Talk

What's everyone think of the new Jets logos? Seems like most of the roundtable thinks its alright, and I would tend to agree. Its a perfectly fine logo. Its nothing too flashy, and thats a good thing. I don't care too much for the overt militarism, but it doesn't bother me in the least. The main logo isn't too inspiring to me, but for some reason I absolutely LOVE the tertiary wordmark. It has such a cool understated, vintage feel.

Considering Moose and Polar-Bears were being tossed around as legit options, I am thrilled with how this turned out. A nice old school sweater design could really make this uniform/brand really impressive.

And no matter what, its just great to have the Jets Back.

A very good roundtable with alot of insightful and informed discussion about Twitter and the impact of social media on sports journalism.

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