Just one man's opinion on sports, music, politics, or anything else of personal interest.
August 24, 2011
2011 NHL R&D Camp
So the NHL has been tinkering again, and thankfully the ideas seem to have only gotten better since the first R&D camp. While there are still some absolutely terrible ideas, there are some (and one in particular) that I absolutely love. I'll run through some of the bigger experiments and sound off on them one by one.
• No-touch icing - Not sold on it, though I am not dead-set against it. As a defenseman, I hate that forwards are essentially given leeway nowadays to run defenders into the end boards and it is justified with the bogus cliche of "finishing your check"'
• No line change for team committing an offside - This is the type of rule that I really, really hate. This is such a trivial idea, and all it would lead to is coaches, goalies, trainers and players working to find a way to hold up the impending faceoff in order to buy their guys some time to catch their breath. Changes need to make things less complicated, not more.
• No icing permitted while shorthanded - I dont like this idea. Why shouldn't penalty killers have the release valve of throwing the puck down the ice?
• Verification line (additional line behind the goal line) - It will do nothing to affect gameplay, so I dont care, but I think Bob McCown's point was well made in saying, "why have the first line then?".
• Overtime variation (four minutes of 4-on-4 followed by three minutes of 3-on-3) - This is by far my favourite idea and one that really needs to be implemented. Only adjustment I would make is make it 5 minutes 4 on 4, and then 5 minutes of 3 on 3 (hell, I would be in favour of eliminating 4 on 4 and going right to 3 on 3). Goals will be scored 3 on 3. It is impossible to implement a defensive system while playing 3 on 3, so the entire OT period will just be endless odd-man rushes. And just to be clear, I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate the shootout.
• Shootout variation (5-man shootout precedes sudden-death format) - Just ditch the horrible shootout! Please NHL! It is terrible. The only thing worse than the shoot-out is the 5 minutes it takes to zamboni the ice before it begins (the last shoot-out I saw in person the zamboni broke down, so there was about a 10 minute break between OT and the SO). The excuse that "nobody leaves during the SO" is such a load of crap. Of course nobody leaves! If you have stayed for the whole game, then staying for OT, youre pretty dam invested in the game, there is no point in leaving then. People stay for the SO because they figure "Fuck it, I have already waited this long, may as well stick it out". I look forward to the days when we all look back at the shoot-out in the same way we look back on the glowing puck.
• Shallow-back nets - This seems like as close to a no-brainer as any move could be. Hopefully this makes wraparounds a little easier (not that guys like Dougie ever needed the space to make a beauty play).
• Delayed penalty variation (offending team must exit zone in possession of puck to stop play) - Of all the proposed changes to how penalties are called/served, I actually like this idea. I am not sure how well it would work in practice, but in theory, I really like it.
• Changes only permitted on-the-fly (except after goals and upon manpower changes) - Whoever came up with this idea should be fired.
• Strict enforcement of goaltenders covering puck outside crease (Rule 63.2) - Ummmmm......why is this rule not strictly enforced already?
• Remove trapezoid - I think the trapezoid is stupid, but I don't feel very strongly about its removal.
• All penalties to be served in their entirety - I dont like this idea. And as was opined on Prime Time Sports recently, this would probably just lead to fewer penalties being called.
• Bear-hug rule - I like this idea, but maybe thats just because I like bear hugs so much.
• On-ice officials communication -- ref-to-ref wireless - I dont see why this would be a bad thing. Communication = good
• Curved glass -- protection options at players bench areas - Another no brainer.
So there is my recap of the more important rule changes (because I know people have been dying to hear my take).
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Rule changes,
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