
August 01, 2011

Prime Time Sports - Belli and Bailey Nip By

"He's a chicken."

The highlights of Wednesday were firstly, Donovan Bailey in studio. This was an absolutely terrific interview. I loved his insight on the Skydome showdown between him and Ben Johnson. I remember watching it very well. It really seemed to me like the kind of rare sporting even that comes along once in a generation. Everyone on earth knew Johnson pulled up to avoid the embarrassment. It was great to hear Donovan still won't mince words, yet he still manages to be tactful about it.

The second highlight was Adriano Belli describing the Japanese American Football team as "Japs". 

Links and Twitter handles: @FadooBobcat @FriedgeHNIC, @DamoSpin, @JeffMarek, @michaelgrange @GloBlair @GordStellick @darrenrovell @Paul__Jones @Wilnerness590 @keithlaw Listen Here -

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