
August 02, 2011

Bobcat's Ominous Tweet

Bob McCown
ROGERS Sportsnet...RIP...September. Well....partly
During today's broadcast of Prime Time Sports, McCown (who has been tweeting up a storm by his standards in recent weeks) sent out this ominous tweet. A few of the responses asked Bob about leaving the Fan, or going to the competition, but I suspect that isn't the case. For one, I don't think Bob would so flippantly tweet about something like that, and secondly, I think the fact that Bob emphasized the ROGERS half of Rogers Sportsnet, would lead me to believe that McCown is more likely referring to some sort of re-branding (again) or some kind of ownership change. Frankly, I would welcome a re-branding. Sportsnet Radio The Fan 590 is about four syllables too long. I really hope there are no changes to Bob's show, as it is the best thing going in sports radio, and I would hate it if Bob went over to TSN Radio. Their signal is weak and talent pool is even weaker.
I suppose we will just have to wait and see.
And on a related note, why didn't the Holiday Monday round table go up until today? I am hoping it was just a result of the holiday, and presumably limited staffing. If The Fan is considering any kind of podcast delay (such as ESPN 980's flawed attempt to combat the evolution of radio broadcasting by delaying, and thus, devaluing the Tony Kornheiser Show) they ought the think twice. It can only hurt the brand.

Links and Twitter handles: @FadooBobcat @FriedgeHNIC, @DamoSpin, @JeffMarek, @michaelgrange @GloBlair @GordStellick @darrenrovell @Paul__Jones @Wilnerness590 @keithlaw Listen Here -

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